10 Tips:Optimise Your Warehouse Picking Speed

Warehouse packing speed and turnover rate are key to business in logistics warehouse and e-commerce fields. Various warehouse companies are looking for an efficient solution to optimize the efficiency of their managers.

Like Amazon warehouse, it provides full logistics services from storage to home delivery. If you have a warehouse for ecommerce, you will often hear notifications about inventory control in Amazon warehouses from your amazon saler client.

Limit the warehouse packing efficiency, is too high quantity for workers. If you need a solution for warehouse picking, read our tips for warehouse layout.

What is Warehouse Picking?

warehouse picking racks layout

Before diving into our tips, let’s define warehouse picking. It’s the process of retrieving products from storage locations within a warehouse to fulfill customer orders. So the logistic warehouse or e-commerce warehouse allows picking racks for warehouse storage. Efficient picking is essential for order picking efficiency and overall warehouse productivity. A efficient warehouse picking rack system is a good way to maximum your picking space. But now know which factors that slow down your picking efficiency.

5 Key Factors That Adversely Affect Warehouse Picking Speed and Accuracy

  • Poor warehouse layout
  • Inadequate inventory management
  • Inefficient picking methods
  • Lack of proper training
  • Outdated technology

Types of Flow Pick Racking

Carton Flow Rack

Carton flow racking, is a type of gravity-powered storage system that uses roller or wheel-based conveyors to create lanes of storage within pallet racking. Cartons or other shape inventory are loaded at the rear of the lanes and gravity moves them to the front for picking. This system is ideal for warehouses with small or light weight inventory and first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory.

Gravity Flow Rack

Carton Flow Racks

Gravity Flow Rack is design for high capacity and big inventory like furnitures,industrial items,etc. It usually consist with conveyors as whole logistic rack system. In factory or other commercial warehouse,gravity flow rack as pallet flow, and push back type. The storage item must be move by a forklift or hand track.

What is the different bewteen Carton Flow Racks to Gravity Flow Racks? In gravity flow structure, stable rails & brakes is not equip in carton flow. To avoid the high weight inventory accidence, it is the biggest feature to devide carton flow rack to another one.

Pallet Flow Racking

FIFO (First-In-First-Out) rack system
Provides high volume utilization for pallet storage
How it WorksPallets glide from back loading aisle to front picking aisle
When front pallet is unloaded, next pallet automatically moves to picking position
Pallet Flow Rail StylesPolycarbonate wheels :
Ideal for loads over 3,000 lbs
Best choice for freezer storage applications
Full steel rollers
Suitable for light or medium weight pallets
Allows for easily changing pallet configurations
Split steel rollers
Suitable for light or medium weight pallets
Allows for easily changing pallet configurations

Push-back Racking

Definition:A type of gravity flow pallet racking
Operates on the last-in, first-out principle
Uses carts pushed along an inclined track
How it Works:Loading:
First pallet loaded onto a cart from the front
Next pallet pushes the first pallet back
New pallet aligns with the next available cart
Front pallet is removed for picking
Following pallet slides to the front
Key Features:
Requires only one aisle for picking
Allows access to multiple groups of SKUs
ComparisonDiffers from pallet flow and carton flow systems in aisle requirements

    Top 10 tips to optimize your warehouse picking speed:

    Implement an Efficient Warehouse Layout

    Organize your warehouse picking rack system strategically. Place fast-moving items in easily accessible locations to minimize travel time. Consider using a gravity flow rack for high-volume products, allowing for first-in, first-out (FIFO) picking.

    Utilize Advanced Order Picking Rack Systems

    Invest in modern order picking rack solutions designed for efficiency. Options like radio shuttle systems can significantly increase picking speed by automating horizontal movement within the racking system.

    Adopt Zone Picking Strategies

    Divide your warehouse into specific zones, with pickers assigned to each area. This approach reduces travel time and increases familiarity with product locations, boosting overall order picking efficiency.

    Implement Batch Picking

    Group similar orders together and pick items for multiple orders simultaneously. This method is particularly effective when combined with an efficient e-commerce warehouse rack setup.

    Leverage Technology for Route Optimization

    Use warehouse management software (WMS) to determine the most efficient picking routes. This technology can significantly reduce travel time and improve order picking efficiency.

    Invest in Mobile Scanning Devices

    Equip your pickers with handheld scanners or wearable devices. These tools enable real-time inventory updates and reduce errors, enhancing both speed and accuracy.

    Consider Voice-Directed Picking

    Implement voice-picking technology, allowing pickers to receive instructions through headsets. This hands-free approach can boost productivity and reduce errors.

    Optimize Your Inventory Management

    Regularly analyze your inventory data to ensure optimal stock levels and placement. Use ABC analysis to categorize items based on demand and adjust your warehouse picking rack layout accordingly.

    Implement a Robust Training Program

    Develop a comprehensive training program for your picking staff. Well-trained employees are more efficient and make fewer errors, contributing to overall warehouse productivity.

    Use Performance Metrics and Incentives

    Track key performance indicators (KPIs) for picking speed and accuracy. Implement an incentive program to motivate your team and reward top performers.

      Improving Your Warehouse Picking Speed and Accuracy is Easier Than You Might Think

      By implementing these strategies and leveraging modern technologies like advanced warehouse picking rack systems and radio shuttle systems, you can significantly enhance your picking speed and accuracy. Remember that optimization is an ongoing process, and continual evaluation and adjustment are key to maintaining peak performance.


      Picking in and out is a critical process in any warehouse operation. Despite the attention it gets, few companies have fully optimized their picking speed or accuracy.

      Rather than focusing on one dramatic change, warehouse picking speed and accuracy optimization involves making adjustments in many different areas. The best optimization often requires choosing the right design during construction, before the warehouse is operational.

      However, investing in a dedicated warehouse racking system like HEDA Shelves will not only take your warehouse picking to the next level, it will also improve a range of related processes, helping your business stay competitive in an increasingly challenging warehouse inventory flow.

      To learn how HEDA Shelves can help transform your warehouse operations, read our spotlight project today.


      What is the most efficient warehouse picking method?

      The most efficient method depends on your specific needs, but batch picking and zone picking are often highly effective, especially when combined with advanced warehouse picking rack systems.

      How can I measure order picking efficiency?

      Key metrics include picks per hour, order accuracy rate, and travel time between picks. Many WMS systems can track these metrics automatically.

      Are gravity flow racks suitable for all types of products?

      Gravity flow racks work best for small to medium-sized items with high turnover rates. They’re particularly useful in e-commerce warehouse rack setups for fast-moving consumer goods.

      What are the benefits of a radio shuttle system?

      Radio shuttle systems increase storage density, improve picking speed, and reduce labor costs. They’re especially beneficial for high-volume operations with consistent product sizes.

      How often should I review and optimize my warehouse layout?

      It’s recommended to review your layout quarterly and make major optimizations annually or when there are significant changes in your product mix or order patterns.

        Abby Xu
        Abby Xu

        Welcome to my blog! I'm Abby Xu, with over 20 years of experience in warehouse and supermarket shelving sales. I've dedicated my career to optimizing storage and enhancing retail displays. Join me for insights and tips to streamline your operations and boost sales.

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